Find balance in life changes through therapy in Colorado
Person with arms open by water and rocks.
Whether you’re facing a change in your relationship, job, location, family dynamics, we understand that change can be hard on us. Many of us are ill-prepared for HOW to handle the changes life brings. It can throw us off and be difficult to understand and endure. Examples of life changes or life transitions include:
Moving to a new home or location
A divorce or break up
Losing or leaving a job
Retirement or career change
Changing schools, going back to school, or starting college
Growing your family through adoption, biological children, pets
Becoming an empty nester
Being on your own for the first time
We may find ourselves working hard to do what we THINK we should do, yet we end up feeling confused, lost, or stuck…again.
We repeat patterns as we try to do what others expect of us or to make “the right choice”. We believe other people will not have your answer. At Rooted Counseling in Colorado, our trained therapists can be an insightful resource, most certainly. However, we believe that you have the wisdom within you to make the best choices and life decisions for yourself. Sometimes, though, we need a supportive guide to help us better tune inwards, find our own internal compass, and redirect ourselves accordingly so that we can actually navigate life’s changes with more internal steadiness.
Person making heart shape with hands and sunset.
Simply put, change is unavoidable. It is part of life, and many of us are facing multiple changes in our lives at the same time. Are you finding yourself feeling…
That you’re in over your head
Like you’re just trying to stay afloat and above water
Irritable or frustrated
Like the only on
Life changes and transitions, although many of which are normal and perhaps even considered rites of passage, have a big impact on us and can be harmful if we don’t have the right tools to get through them. Changes in our lives can be painful and isolating, especially if we struggle with imposter syndrome and feel that others know what they’re doing, but we deep down inside don’t feel that we have a clue.
Learning more about who you are and what matters to you is more than creating a personal mission statement. We need to understand what that actually means and how we move towards living it out.
There is no “fix” to life especially when it’s changing or unfolding. At Rooted Counseling in Colorado, we don’t believe you are “broken” or “missing out” for what might be yours to live. Let’s work together to help you find what feels right for you as you take steps to live your life more fully.
We wish we could give you the secret and the steps to follow for your story. Wouldn’t we all love that knowledge and assurance?! Getting started with life transitions and identity development therapy can be daunting. However, working with a skilled therapist at Rooted Counseling in Colorado who can support you and teach you real ways to explore yourself, your identity, and your values can be helpful. Within life transitions and identity development therapy, we will explore your view of yourself as it is now, how it was growing up within your family, and what your ideal future self would be. We want to help you know more about the meanings connected to who you are and who you think you should be while also considering who you are based on your past.
Open map in car on road.
We will help you identify habits and values that are supporting you as you learn about yourself, consider habits and patterns that are getting in your way, and help put people and groups in place that are steady and supportive and who can help inform you for your authentic self. Oftentimes, we live out identities that others have “given” to us, roles we’ve taken on in our families and lives because of other patterns at play, or because of tragedies in our lives, or because of our own pain. Taking time to explore and review these roles, to be curious about how they formed and if they’re working for us is exactly what we can do together in therapy to help you further develop into yourself in a way that is healthy and supportive to you. It is your life, after all, and living for others based on who they think we should be can leave us with a sense of frustration and disappointment.
Knowing your values and yourself can have huge impacts on your life, how you see yourself in the world, as well as the goals and careers and partnerships you pursue. Some questions to consider:
If you’ve recently ended or started a new relationship, how do you see yourself now?
If you have made a career change, how do you describe yourself going forward?
If your health has changed, who are you if you can’t do the same things that you used to do?
Together at Rooted Counseling in Colorado, we will help you explore how your identity has changed over time, what life transitions you’ve faced, what it feels like now, and why life changes and transitions feel so hard. Our trained therapists will work with you to also consider what new parts of your new identity have changed or grown and how you can describe and define yourself now as you continue your life.
With life transitions and identity development therapy in Colorado, you’ll also learn ways to incorporate self-care culture into your actual life, in big or small ways or something in between. This can help you learn and strengthen ways you contain the big and often messy emotions of going through change and different stages of life. Choosing ways to make room in your life for self-care practices can actually change your relationship with yourself and those around you. You can tend to and care for yourself instead of feeling like you’re only carrying the heavy weight of the changes you’re facing.
Who am I, and who do I want to be?
We get it. These are big questions. Sometimes, we find ourselves making choices and following a path based on what others expect of us. Sometimes we find ourselves making decisions to gain acceptance, stature, or approval within our families or friendship circles. Sometimes, we struggle with imposter syndrome and don’t know what to do but think everyone else does, so we adopt the “fake it ‘til you make it” mentality and find ourselves just going through the motions.
We may think we know who we want to be or have some ideas we’re considering or working towards…but then something changes or falls apart, and our values shift or we’re thrown for a loop. Taking time to slow down and tune into ourselves to consider who we are, who we are becoming, and who we want to be can be a valuable way to live more intentionally and feel better about who we actually are.
Am I living fully? Am I living in a way that feels good and authentic to me?
Person kissing face of young child smiling.
Living in alignment with our values is important. But first, we must know our life values. Have you taken time to think about this and identify what matters most to you? We
Is “growing up” always this complicated? Life isn't what I thought it would be…
Why does it seem that everyone else has their life figured out, but I don’t have a clue about mine? Have you ever asked yourself that? We get it. Growing up as a young adult or mid-life adult brings its challenges and growing pains. We often think we’re doing what we thought we wanted to do, yet we can find ourselves somewhere we’re unhappy with or feeling deeply unsettled, unsatisfied. Life often isn’t what any of us thought it would be, and yet, we believe it can still be meaningful and valuable. Let us work together to help you identify your values, reconnect with yourself and others, and choose to take steps today to live more true to yourself!
Do I really need counseling for exploring who I am and who I want to be? Don’t I just need more time to figure it all out? I should be able to handle it on my own.
Life is full of changes, adventures, and transitions, some we can anticipate and many that are unexpected. This can leave us feeling lost or disconnected from others and from ourselves. We may even begin to feel like we’re uncomfortable in our own skin or uncertain about who we are or what we really want in life. Because of this, working with a skilled therapist who specializes in supporting clients during life transitions and identity development can be beneficial. We are meant for community and connection, and it’s oftentimes unrealistic to expect that we can handle it all on our own all of the time. We can help you learn new tools and ways to explore who you are, your essence, and how you are living your life so that you can be your best.
Is it worth the expense? Therapy to explore my life and identity seems too expensive.
Working with a therapist to identify ways to explore who you are, who you want to be, and who you are becoming can be worth the investment. Whether you start therapy to improve your relationship with yourself or with others, learn more about your life values, strengthen your ability to manage life changes and transitions, learning to live authentically within yourself can enrich your life in numerous ways.
I’m too busy and stressed for therapy. I don’t have time.
We get it. Life is full, and adding “one more thing” could feel impossible right now, especially as you are facing changes or trying to figure yourself out. Our practice currently provides online services, so that you can meet with your therapist online during your day at a time that’s more convenient and flexible for your schedule. Let us help you and walk with you during this time.
At Rooted Counseling in Colorado, we are passionate about supporting people in their life journeys. It’s something we care deeply about. Since change can ignite insecurities and other unpleasant emotions or lead us to feeling that we’re doing something “wrong”, we are honored to walk with you as you take steps towards healing. You are not crazy, and it’s okay to not know exactly what to do or how to navigate life. It may take time to learn new skills and techniques to integrate the changes into your life, but we think it’s possible. And it’s worth it!